Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Ministry Of Touch

What can say STRESSED to the max than a college student. Not to mention those obtaining their PhD and Doctoral degrees. I had the pleasure of performing chair massage on the students of Union Theological Seminary of Columbia University this past week. What an amazing group. As a former student herself of Union, current Dean of Student Life Yvette D. Wilson knows first hand how the final days of the school term can wear a person down.

The students where offered 10 minute massages as part of a two day event hosted by the the school. I always say 10 minutes of massage can change your LIFE! 

Here is what some students had to say:
I had one of the chair massages today and wanted to let you know it was
exceptional.  Fran Dunston was really great.  I am so impressed by what she
could accomplish in 10 minutes.  Thank you so much--just what I needed to take
on this week." - Colleen M.

A thank you from a student who got a ten minute massage today. Wonderful! What a gift! I was ministered to and I greatly appreciate it" - Lizzie D. PhD student

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